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Our Spiritual Ascension
Urantia Series Webinar Replay

The Urantia Book
* Urantia--the name of planet earth by beings in the Spirit Realm

The Urantia Book is a comprehensive view of the totality of Creation.  It was channeled from a variety of some of the highest Spirit Beings in all of Creation.  It gives their view of the Creator and His/Her creation.  For those that partake of its content, it profoundly impacts their beliefs and perspectives expanding their thinking and understanding of the vastness and totality of All that there is.  Creator and creation is larger and more involved than can ever be imagined.  It introduces the student to the existence of beings, events, places, processes, wisdom and knowledge that can not be gained from any other Source.  It is mind and consciousness expanding!

The Urantia Series was recorded in 2013. This is a 4 part series with Carl Franklin, hosted by Cyndi Silva of Wisdom & Intuition Network (WIN)

Purchase the entire 4 part Urantia Material Series for only $33


Listen to the Introduction to the Urantia Material Series at the link below:

Course Outline:

Session One : Part IV of the book
The True Identity and Function of Jesus

Sesson Two : Part III of the book
The History of Urantia (Planet earth)

Session Three : Part II of the book
The Local Universe

Session Four: Part I of the book
The Central and Super Universes

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Visit Carl and Ortrun's Ascension Replays!

Order Carl's book -
Earth's Ascension, Nibiru and the Spirit Realm,

Listen in on interviews about the book:
Direct link to interview by Cyndi Silva of Metaphysical Wisdom:
Direct link to Indigo and Crystal Children:

Direct link to book intro of Earth's Ascension, Nibiru and the Spirit Realm:


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What is life, what is death?
Life’s many challenges, what do they mean?
We laugh, we cry, we wonder why?
Life is perfection, death is perfection.
Flow with the stream and understand."
..... ORTRUN .....

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