Testimonials "Ortrun and Carl Franklin, Coptic Ministers for 40 years, are nationally known workshop leaders. They have had extensive experience in the field of metaphysics for many years. Their advanced perspectives in the areas of self-awareness & futuristic concepts are life changing for those who experience their public events." John Davis "It’s my privilege to recommend Revs. Carl and Ortrun Franklin as speakers, workshop leaders and teachers. They have been guest speakers at our church once or twice a year for over 20 years, speaking on topics that are always enlightening. Within a 25-minute sermon, Rev. Carl packs serious metaphysical teachings woven into the theme of the presentation. His sermons are honed to perfection with a spirit of love, enthusiasm, and humor and delivered in a masterful way. Rev. Ortrun’s meditations have deep spiritual meaning and lead to a deep state of reverie. Esoteric classes are not normally available in Unity Churches, even though many New Thought students are interested in topics such as parapsychology, past lives, Indigo Children, the Book of Urantia, etc. The workshops and classes they present at our church are always well-attended and get rave reviews. Revs. Carl and Ortrun are caring, supportive and loving persons, who extend extraordinary efforts to help people, however they can." Sincerely, "Carl and Ortrun Franklin are superb teachers, metaphysical researchers and counselors. Their decades of knowledge and experience in the realms of Spirit are priceless. I highly recommend them to all who are seeking greater awareness of their own connection to the Divine and those who are looking for a deeper understanding of Spirit." ...Denise Iwaniw, " What I'm most familiar with is that big ole Santa Clause coming to our annual Sakkara Temple Conference and charming everybody. So many people make the statement, that he is the best speaker here! Appreciate all that you guys do! " Love and Light, "If you ever get a chance to see and hear Carl and Ortun in person that's the absolute BEST experience you could have because you'll walk away more enlightened and with fond memories of these two wonderful people. But the next best thing is listening to one of their CD's. Whenever I'm having a bad day or feel that I need an extra boost to connect with Source, I pop in one of their CD's and just sit back and relax. It's great and you'll be soothed and comforted in the most peaceful of ways. Of course I highly recommend buying all of them!" …Cheryl from Fruitport, Michigan I LOVED the teleconference today. It was exactly what I needed this morning to "perk up" and get out of my ego. Thank you, Ortrun and Carl, for doing that with Cindi. I know I have heard this information before, but it's great to have a refresher and I love the meditations. I do listen to your CDs and enjoy those too (I meant what I said in my reference that those really help a lot). Right after we were done with the call, Beckie called and I gave her a reminder on going to the Alpha State. She was feeling a bit "off" and needed the reminder too. …Cheryl, Fruitport, MI "In the spring of 2007 we had the honor of having a Metaphysical (Life Script) Reading by Carl Franklin. The experience was informative, enriching and broadening. Carl is truly gifted. He gives you his complete attention and focus while reading and answers all questions to the best of his ability. Having been on this journey for a number of years, we have availed ourselves of the talents of many Metaphysical interpreters, to our experience Carl is among the very best. One can sense his connection to spirit and the purity and intensity with which he serves humanity. We attend as many workshops, lectures and seminars as we possibly can where Carl and Ortrun are affiliated. We feel blessed to have met them and have benefited greatly from their insights and counsel." ...Sal and Joyce Manfre, Bradenton, FL "I highly recommend to anyone considering seeing Dr. Carl Franklin for a life-script reading. He was able to help me connect on a much deeper level with myself that I had never achieved before. He was able to help me answer questions regarding my life-journey. His intention was pure and honest. I left there feeling very peaceful and confident of who I was. It was an incredible experience. I keep the tape he made for me close at hand and listen to it often." Namaste'
"I have 2 CD's by Ortrun: THE GREAT PYRAMID OF LIGHT (INITIATION), and SAKKARA HEALING TEMPLE. Ortrun has a lilting voice that is clear and soft. You are easily guided to the next plane. Ortrun draws you into a higher state of consciousness within minutes as you connect with her vision of the temples. A state of complete wholeness and relaxation envelopes you as you listen to her voice and the beautiful music that accompanies it. I return to consciousness with a feeling that I have truly become one with our universe." …Jennifer Lutz, Sun City, FL "In dealing with chronic health issues I've come to a "Carl and Ortrun helped my husband and I create a wedding ceremony that represented both of us, our spirituality, and our love for each other. We were both stressed about wedding planning when we met with them, and by the time we left, felt much more centered and focused on creating our vows and tailoring them to be unique for us. The ceremony was very spiritual (which was very important to me) and we received many compliments on diffferent parts of the ceremony. It was wonderful to have both the male and female energies represented by having both Carl and Ortrun perform the ceremony." ----Jennie and Marc "When my fiancé and I decided that after 8 years together that it was time we got married, we wanted to make sure we did it our way. We had agreed and committed to a life partnership agreement that we had discovered in Gray Zukav’s book Seat of the Soul early on in our relationship and had been very happy with our agreement. As we moved to take that next step into "making it legal" we wanted ministers who understood the relationship that we had created together. When I met Carl and Ortrun at a local class, I knew they would be perfect. With Carl’s great big smile and even bigger heart combined with Ortrun’s quiet power, they exemplified the kind of relationship that my husband and I saw in each other. We asked both Carl and Ortrun to be a part of our ceremony and were delighted when they said "yes". Carl and Ortrun both sat down with us and we were able to set up our wedding exactly as we wanted it, custom made for us and the beliefs we hold dear. Our ceremony was a private one, with Carl and Ortrun presiding and two witnesses. We read the spiritual commitment concepts, with both Carl and Ortrun participating. It was an amazing moment to hear the words read out loud and to know them to be true for us. We felt blessed and honored to have Carl and Ortrun as part of our Spiritual Partnership Marriage, knowing they understood the deep love and devotion that two people can have for one another. They were able to give us precisely the ceremony we wanted and needed. In a world where ‘til death do you part is still the basic stand by, we were thrilled to have Carl and Ortrun make this a special day of our own. To life, love and the adventures in it all!" With love ~ Jeannine Proulx Richard |