Spiritual Ascension Classes Lecture/Presentations offered:
Lectures or seminar/workshops on any of the topics listed in the Workshops and Classes offered section of the website are available. Plus, there are numerous other areas of interest not mentioned. Contact us about Lectures or Presentations offered on this site or other areas in which you are interested, such as Egyptian Initiatory Temples and more. We present at Spiritual retreats and conferences,bookstores, churches and individual homes.
THE ALPHASTATE -- The Alpha state is called the state of ingeniousness because one can work out of up to 100% of their mental capacity versus the 10-15% most people normally use. You will learn how to put yourself into this state in 20 seconds; how to make changes in yourself 100-200 times faster; do many things you never dreamt being capable of doing; how to communicate between conscious and subconscious; and much more. Learning to use it! Change yourself and accomplish great things!
MEDITATION, the Key of Life -- Meditation is the process of going within. It is sets of techniques which connect the Divine part of you with the other many bodies that you have (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, auric, astral and soul). The outer you is the actor, the inner the director. Just think of how great your “role” as the actor in the play of life will be by allowing yourself to connect to that inner most part of your being, your Higher Self.; To commune with him/her; then, educe (to bring forth from within) that part of you to balance you mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
CRYSTAL/ INDIGO Energies -- What are the traits (physical, behavioral, mental, emotional and DNA) of a person carrying Crystal/Indigo energy? These will be identified. How do you parent and educate these exceptional people? If this topic interests you, this indicates that you carry this energy and your children, probably, carry more than you. Understanding yourself and your family will result in experiencing this lecture. If time allows, Carl/Ortrun can dowse you and family members to see if and how much of this energy you carry.
DEVELOP INTUITIVE Abilities -- Intuition is the voice of your Soul or your Higher Self. We have within us the ability to communicate with Spirit by going beyond our 5 senses. Spirit communicates with us, if we allow it, in many ways; clairvoyance, clairaudient; clairsentient; clairosmesient; clairgustient; dreams; symbols; numbers; nature; divas; angels; etc. How does Spirit communicate with you? We will explore these areas and help you increase your ability to communicate with your Spirits and Angels.
SPIRIT GUIDES AND THE ANGELIC REALM – We all have guides with us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week that are not wearing physical bodies. Most of these are from the Angelic realm, the Astral plane and the Higher dimensions. In this workshop, you are checked, by dowsing, to see how many and what kind of guides you have. We will look at the Angelic realm; how many Angels live on the earth; why they are here; how can we communicate with them; how they help us; and how we can help them. You will gain deeper insight, knowledge and appreciation for the Spirit Beings that live among us.
THE ASCENSION PROCESS and the Dimensions --- The earth and humanity are Ascending. We are at the end of an age and about to enter the age called the 5th dimension. The process to get us to that place is called Ascension. How did the earth and humanity get to this point in its development? What is the 3rd dimension of awareness? What are the challenges of going through the 4th dimension (which we and the planet are in at this time)? What will the 5th dimension level of consciousness be like? The Light Workers are in the forefront of the process. It would be helpful to understand who we are and what we are to do during in these times.
We all come from the heart/mind of God. We are now on our way back home. What does this mean? What are some of the significant things that will be experienced on this adventurous journey. This will be a day of exciting exploration.
References available upon request.